Articles published in category Faith
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November 2008
Woman Alive
The cathedral in the tiny city of Ely doesn't just have one cafe for its visitors, but two.
October 2008
Woman Alive
Anorexia, obesity, yo-yo dieting - many women battle an unhealthy relationship with food. Four women now offer help to others.
October 2008
Woman Alive
Visiting The Sanctuary at the St Nicholas Centre, Ipswich.
August 2008
Woman Alive
Visiting The Refectory at Southwark Cathedral.
July 2008
Christian Marketplace
Looking at some of the books available to 'help' us in our quest for a greener Christian lifestyle.
May 2008
Woman Alive
Visiting The Place Below, at St Mary-le-Bow, Cheapside in London.
April 2008
Christian Marketplace
Investigating a surprising lack of engagement with the HOPE 08 initiative
March 2008
Woman Alive
The London Institute of Contemporary Christianity is celebrating 25 years of ministry. Course leaders talk about their vision.
January 2008
Woman Alive
Visiting the Cafe in the Crypt, St Martin-in-the-Fields, London.
December 2007
The earth is heating up, but is there anything we can really do?
November 2007
Woman Alive
Introducing a Passion Play to a Suffolk town on Good Friday.