Articles published in category suffolk
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August 2013
Author Nicola Upson has set her new novel about the 1930s crime writer Josephine Tey in Suffolk
June 2013
Suffolk & Norfolk Life
Authors Nicci Gerrard and Sean French talk about their new book
May 2013
Suffolk & Norfolk Life
After more than three decades, the Woodbridge 10k road race is as popular as ever and its unique T-shirts much treasured!
January 2013
The actress, Angela Piper, who plays Jennifer Aldridge in The Archers talks about the role, and her love of cooking
April 2012
The home of artist Timothy Easton, the 15th century Bedfield Hall, is the focus of his work
November 2008
Best-selling author visits Browsers Bookshop in Woodbridge
October 2008
Alexander McCall Smith has chosen Suffolk as the setting for his latest novel.
October 2008
Woman Alive
Visiting The Sanctuary at the St Nicholas Centre, Ipswich.
January 2008
Suffolk Journal
Crazy name, crazy book. Meeting writer and illustrator Borin Van Loon.
November 2007
Woman Alive
Introducing a Passion Play to a Suffolk town on Good Friday.
September 2006
Country Living
Jim and Marion Mountain have painstakingly rebuilt a 200-year-old kitchen garden in Suffolk to create an inspiring nursery