Articles published in category books

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February 2015
Carla Carlisle talks about life at Wyken Estate, Suffolk recounted in her second volume of essays
December 2014
Attractions Management
Technology has become second nature to many young people, but children's literature centres are more popular than ever.
December 2014
A good book is a must on any Christmas list. Catherine Larner makes her seasonal suggestions
December 2014
Bestselling author Christopher Matthew, 76, says he has only just got started
November 2014
Anthony Horowitz is recreating the world of Sherlock Holmes in his new book 'Moriarty', and brings news of a James Bond novel to follow
October 2014
Alexander McCall Smith turns to Norfolk for inspiration in his reworking of Jane Austen's classic
October 2014
Celebrated artist and architect Charles Rennie Macintosh lived in Walberswick. Esther Freud's novel explores his time there.
October 2014
My role is to make my readers feel better about life and the world
October 2014
Three new novelists have used the county as a backdrop to their work
June 2014
Polish writers, and novelist Colette McBeth, are being introduced to audiences at the 2014 Felixstowe Book Festival
June 2014
Griff Rhys Jones and his mum, Gwynneth talk about what it means to be Welsh and why they live on the opposite side of the country
April 2014
Retired teacher Vivien Whelpton talks about fulfilling her dream of writing a literary biography.
March 2014
Historian Andrew Casey on designer Lucienne Day, and crime writer Elly Griffiths on her latest novel.
February 2014
Woman Alive
Author Susan Hill talks about the variety of her work, her faith and her new home in Norfolk.
January 2014
Suffolk & Norfolk Life
Norfolk based author Susan Hill talks about the county and her latest book.
