Articles published in category lifestyle

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January 2017
Country Living
From a Suffolk farmyard, artist Dee Nickerson draws inspiration from ordinary events, depicting them in her lyrical, flowing style
January 2017
Woman Alive
With Holocaust Memorial Day on 27 January, Catherine Larner meets two women who travel the world to share real life stories of courage and survival against the odds
December 2016
Woman Alive
The youngest contestant of TV's Great British Bake Off talks about the year ahead.
November 2016
Ben Fogle visits Southwold to talk about his book on the iconic Land Rover.
November 2016
Iain Maitland thought he had written a funny book about family life, but it was far from a joke for a teenager suffering depression.
October 2016
Labour MP Alan Johnson's third memoir concludes his political story - so what's next? He talks to Catherine Larner
October 2016
Woman Alive
A cafe that offers a place to be still as well as good food.
September 2016
Catherine Larner meets the delightfully unconventional Suffolk artist, Dee Nickerson.
August 2016
Members of a Bedford Church talk about the difference God makes to their daily lives, with the Fruitfulness on the Frontline resource from LICC
June 2016
Suffolk-based broadcaster, writer and sailor Paul Heiney talks about heartache, happiness at the helm and life beyond television.
June 2016
There is an untamed, timeless quality to this Suffolk coastal town where art, music and relaxation are the priorities.
May 2016
Coming face to face with a true adventurer, Sir Ranulph Fiennes, Catherine Larner discovers what drives him
May 2016
Woman Alive
The entrepreneur behind Virgin Vie and Temple Spa beauty products talks about being a Christian in the world of business.
April 2016
Club Business International
Aspria strives both to serve its members and to create a legacy.
April 2016
One of Suffolk's best known brands is dipping its oars into the waters of national rowing sponsorship.
