Articles published in category travel

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September 2021
Aldeburgh-based illustrator Astra Taylor-Todd has forged a brilliant new career creating children's books inspired by her global travels and an 1,800 mile trek across America.
February 2021
The latest titles, awards and news - including children's writers AM Howell and Astra Taylor-Todd and histories of Waldringfield and Ramsholt.
July 2020
Carol Drinkwater became a household name as the TV wife of a Yorkshire vet. These days she's a bestselling novelist and will be speaking from her home in France for Felixstowe's online book festival.
March 2020
Bury St Edmunds has big plans to celebrate the millennium of its ancient abbey at the heart of the town's identity.
February 2020
Acclaimed writer Robert Macfarlane's new book is the result of a 17 year preoccupation with the mysterious landscape of Orford Ness
October 2019
A preview of Suffolk Libraries Day
May 2019
Bury & West Suffolk magazine
The country's relics of a recent past fascinate bestselling author Victoria Hislop, who visits Ely this month
July 2018
Catherine Larner picks up her new DSLR camera and seeks advice on getting the perfect shot of Aldeburgh beach
June 2018
Woman Alive
Former CIA counterterrorism expert Michele Rigby Assad talks about living to fulfil our potential
March 2018
Andy Kershaw's eclectic career is the subject of a two-hour, one-man show.
November 2016
Ben Fogle visits Southwold to talk about his book on the iconic Land Rover.
November 2016
Author Victoria Hislop travelled all over Greece for her latest book. She talks to Catherine Larner
October 2016
Woman Alive
A cafe that offers a place to be still as well as good food.
June 2016
Suffolk-based broadcaster, writer and sailor Paul Heiney talks about heartache, happiness at the helm and life beyond television.
June 2016
The Felixstowe Book Festival is gaining a fine reputation on the literary circuit.
