Articles published in category arts

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July 2020
Enjoy libraries online, writing competitions, new books and a virtual festival
June 2020
Lockdown can't stop us singing! Take Bury Bach Choir - concerts may be cancelled but they're using technology to stay in harmony
April 2020
These are exciting times for regional theatre, says Eastern Angles' director Ivan Cutting.
March 2020
Comedy writer Jon Canter's play about the perils of writing books adds an exciting dimension to the Aldeburgh Literary Festival
March 2020
Bury St Edmunds has big plans to celebrate the millennium of its ancient abbey at the heart of the town's identity.
March 2020
Virginia Nicholson explores the decade of her childhood. She talks to Catherine Larner about her book 'How Was it For You?'
February 2020
Andrew Marr is best known as a political journalist in print, TV and radio but his vibrant, abstract paintings bring him to Suffolk this month
January 2020
Ryan Gander is one of the most original artists of his generation, producing an eclectic array of work, mainly from his Suffolk studio.
November 2019
Bury & West Suffolk magazine
Catherine Larner talks to Cariad Lloyd, one of the creators of Austentatious, an improvised comedy play in the style of Jane Austen.
September 2019
Poet Ian McMillan is bringing his show to Great Glemham's village hall...and the phone box
August 2019
Jenny Hall returned to Suffolk, the county her famous father, Sir Peter Hall called home, to pass on his theatrical legacy
August 2019
New event aims to highlight the work of women writers
May 2019
Oliver Soden's biography of Suffolk-born Michael Tippett is the first to discover the man behind the music.
February 2019
Cartoonist Posy Simmonds is heading to Aldeburgh
December 2018
Painter Maggi Hambling has produced a book dedicated to her father Harry's own artistic endeavour
