Articles published in category suffolk and norfolk

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October 2015
East Anglian Daily Times
Catherine Larner speaks to author and playwright, Rachel Joyce ahead of her visit to Seckford Hall Hotel next month.
October 2015
Boxford-based author Mark Mason has turned trivia into an art form.
October 2015
Stargazing has never been so popular and Suffolk is a great place to study the sky at night.
October 2015
Recreating the last journey of Anglo-Saxon King Raedwald, Catherine Larner, Lucy Hollis and Jacq Barnard rowed a length of the River Deben.
October 2015
Pioneering work in Suffolk is helping to improve the lives of people with dementia, and their carers.
September 2015
Creator of the much-loved How to Train a Dragon series, Cressida Cowell talks about her inspiration and why the adventures have to end.
August 2015
Dogs are helping people with brain injuries at the Headway charity in Suffolk.
July 2015
Author Freya North returns to Norfolk for her latest novel about learning to enjoy life and finding love
June 2015
Meeting the team at the forefront of preserving the nation's forgotten historic buildings.
June 2015
Previewing the third Felixstowe Book Festival, with Patrick Gale
June 2015
Woman Alive
A visit to the refurbished cathedral cafe.
May 2015
Norfolk has played a pivotal role in conservation, as a new book highlights. Catherine Larner meets its author, Susanna Wade Martins
May 2015
Terry Waite talks about helping hostages and writing a comic novel.
May 2015
Grow Your Own
Short of land at home, two friends enjoy growing vegetables on the other side of town, in someone else's garden.
