Articles published in category Lifestyle

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November 2022
Classic Boat
Lyme Regis-based Gail McGarva's unique skill of preserving historic craft and sharing her passion with others, has blossomed into a thriving business model.
October 2022
Building, fixing, de-rusting and refitting - women are making waves in the traditionally male-dominated boatbuilding industry and supporting each other on social media.
October 2022
Let's Talk
With a fascinating life story to share and a great new role on stage, actress Hayley Mills has a busy time planned for her visit to Norfolk, as she tells Catherine Larner
October 2022
Artist Tessa Newcomb has found just the thing she needed to lift her creative spirit - a garden she can grow and paint.
October 2022
Classic Boat
More and more women are finding the confidence to enter the very male world of boatbuilding.
September 2022
Sarah Langford gave up working as a criminal defence lawyer to take on a family farm in Suffolk. It opened her eyes to a world of constant struggle, earnestly looking for change.
July 2022
Let's Talk
A boat that was built for Swallows and Amazons author Arthur Ransome is being given new life in Suffolk, as Catherine Larner explains.
July 2022
The things we collect tell the story of our life and loves. Author Julia Blackburn and her friend and neighbour, artist Tessa Newcomb, decided to explore the objects in Julia's Suffolk village home.
June 2022
Classic Boat
Jim Lawrence is a living icon of the days of sail, and although best known as a sailmaker, he started off as a barge hand on England's east coast.
May 2022
Classic Boat
Robert Simper has spent his life writing about boats and saving working vessels of the Thames estuary.
March 2022
It was probably a woman who organised the ship burial of an Anglo-Saxon king at Sutton Hoo. It was a woman who decided to excavate the site. Now a woman is leading the project to reconstruct the ship which changed our knowledge of British history.
March 2022
Classic Boat
Artist and book illustrator Angela Harding has a clinker sailing yacht and a love of the wilder coast.
January 2022
Printmaker Angela Harding's beautiful and evocative illustrations of the natural world, inspired by annual sailing trips around Suffolk's coast and rivers, are favourite choices for everything from book covers to journals, calendars and tea towels.
January 2022
Anna Greenland is a rising star in the organise grow-your-own firmament, although she admits her life currently is more 'Grand Designs' than 'Gardeners' World'.
September 2021
Aldeburgh-based illustrator Astra Taylor-Todd has forged a brilliant new career creating children's books inspired by her global travels and an 1,800 mile trek across America.
