Articles published in category Lifestyle

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March 2016
Rowing & Regatta
Deben Rowing Club's 22-mile challenge from Woodbridge to Felixstowe and back takes place in tranquil Suffolk countryside.
March 2016
Meeting the owners of Otley Hall, the mellow manor just outside Ipswich, with its historic connections to the founding of America
March 2016
Woman Alive
Diane Louise Jordan talks about parenting, faith and enjoying a slower pace of life
February 2016
Liz and Mark Warom, the Suffolk-born founders of the deliciously different Temple Spa brand, talk to Catherine Larner.
January 2016
Revered nature writer Richard Mabey talks about his new book and his solace on the Suffolk/Norfolk border.
January 2016
Christian campaigners are shunning placards in favour of using crafting skills to challenge the status quo.
December 2015
Author Linda Davies talks about surviving kidnap and finding solace in Southwold.
November 2015
Children's author and Aldeburgh resident, Emma Chichester Clark talks about Plumdog
November 2015
Woman Alive
There's been a huge rise in old-fashioned pursuits such as knitting, sewing and baking, but what does it tell us about women's lives today?
October 2015
Rowing & Regatta
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and for one crew from Royal Chester this will be particularly poignant.
October 2015
Stargazing has never been so popular and Suffolk is a great place to study the sky at night.
October 2015
Recreating the last journey of Anglo-Saxon King Raedwald, Catherine Larner, Lucy Hollis and Jacq Barnard rowed a length of the River Deben.
October 2015
Pioneering work in Suffolk is helping to improve the lives of people with dementia, and their carers.
August 2015
Dogs are helping people with brain injuries at the Headway charity in Suffolk.
June 2015
Meeting the team at the forefront of preserving the nation's forgotten historic buildings.
